Recycling E-Waste Should Be Common Practise

In a world that needs to address the climate crisis, sustainability is at the top of everyone’s mind. Sustainability is achieved through maintaining proper ecological systems and one of the biggest problems to tackle is electronic waste (E-waste). Despite the goal of reducing waste, every year millions of electronic devices get thrown away after they no longer serve their purpose, whether due to broken components that make it unusable or people’s desire to upgrade. It is imperative now more than ever to learn how to manage E-waste.

What is Electronic Waste? 

E-waste is electronic devices and appliances that are disposed of. These can include computers, phones, TVs, tablets, and many more. These devices have components of harmful substances, such as cobalt, lead, mercury, etc., that do not decompose and become extremely toxic to the environment. When mixed with soil, it can negatively affect living beings and organisms. That is why it’s important to know how and where to recycle them to make them useful and safe. 

How Does E-Waste Pose as a Problem? 

Newer technology has become an endless loop. People are more enticed towards upgrading their tech rather than being satisfied with their existing products. E-waste will be found, unfortunately, more likely in working condition than broken equipment. While new tech is built to be more convenient and sharper, it doesn’t compensate for the adverse environmental effects. E-waste presents health hazards to the public when not recycled. Moreover, it contributes to air pollution in the form of fine dust or toxic gasses after going through the process of shredding or dismantling. Not to mention when in contact with water bodies, it also harms our aquatic life that already faces plenty of mistreatment. 

Reducing E-Waste: Easy Steps You Can Take 
  • Checking the product’s lifespan before buying: Avoid trendy products with short lifespans which will predictably die out soon. This is a very simple step you can check yourself. 
  • Check the packaging: Does the product have an environmental seal? The packaging will usually have the seal of approval from respected organisations or government agencies. 
  • Learn about electronic components: Being conscious about the different components and what they are made of will make you more aware of what toxins you might get exposed to. This can prevent unnecessary complications later on. 
  • Donations: Sometimes when you are done with an electronic device but can’t sell it off, the best alternative is to donate. This way someone who needs it can use it for longer rather than being disposed of in a landfill. 
  • Limiting your electronic use: This tip is easier said than done but limiting purchasing of electronic devices can also help bring down the excess demand happening in the market. 
  • Normalise recycling into your daily life: This is the most important and easy tip to practise. Recycling ensures that your products are safely converted into something new as well as do not end up in landfills and harm the environment. 
  • Maintain the electronics you currently use: This might seem difficult but learning how to maintain different electronics and their components will help extend their lifespan. You can get the most out of your equipment by practising sustainability yourself. 

Future of Transportation is Solar-Powered

Asad Abdullah, a 22-year-old Indian entrepreneur from Uttar Pradesh, has demonstrated the future of environmental security with his new solar-powered electronic bike. Abdullah claims that he made the bike from scraps with his KTM bike. 

What is the Solar Powered E-Bike? 

Abdullah recently posted a video on his Instagram account (@asadabdullah62), showcasing the e-bike. The video shows a seven-seater e-bike, one for the driver and six passengers. What makes it stand out even more is the solar panel canopy over the heads of the people in the vehicle. It charges the e-bike while also providing shade for people in the vehicle. It looks comfortable to drive and ride in, all the while being completely safe for the environment. 

Abdullah has estimated an amount of ₹8000 to ₹10,000 for its creation, a fairly affordable and convenient vehicle. His invention can also top 125km/hr and covers at least 130km on a single charge. It has impressed people like the current chairman of RPG Enterprises, Harsh Goenka. (Link)

How Have E-Vehicles Improved Climate and Economic Conditions? 

It’s not new that the climate crisis is getting worse day-by-day and actions need to be taken. One of the largest contributors to climate change is vehicular emissions. Not only is the danger level rising but also prices have become pretty much unreasonable. Due to the urgency of finding a solution, electric vehicles have become popular around the world. They have played a major role in improving traffic conditions and reducing carbon emissions. 

Another unspoken advantage is how much quieter electric vehicles are and Abdullah’s e-bike is not only great for the environment but also protects their riders from the sun with its convenient canopy. Noise pollution greatly impacts people’s health, and the increase in electric vehicles tackles this directly. The quieter, the better! Abdullah’s e-bike is also much more affordable than gas-powered vehicles. He decided to tinker with his original bike after spending nearly ₹6000 per month on fuel alone and wanted a more economical alternative. 

Learning DIY Tech Yourself

Abdullah’s passion for inventing and DIYing knows no bounds. His YouTube channel, Homemade Creative, has a range of products that he has modified himself. The best part about his channel is its informative nature. His description box has all the gear you need to make these products yourself. More importantly, he has a website dedicated to teaching you how to make your own electronic bike. This is incredibly helpful and only costs ₹599 and is guided by him. He also does reviews of the best accessible technology. 

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