Arjun Kapoor X Volvo XC90 | Exhibit Drives

RS – Welcome to Exhibit Drives. I’ve come here to pick Arjun Kapoor in this new Volvo XC90. Apparently, I can see that he also has had one for a long time. I don’t know which car he’s going to pick today, but whatever he chooses is going to be a lot of fun conversation. Stay tuned and watch the video until the end because it’s going to be an exciting one.

RS – Hi Arjun, how’s life?

Arjun – Hi Ramesh, all good, how are you?

RS – I’m fine. Now, tell me, which one?

Arjun – Which one?… I already have one in my parking space. So, I’m going to choose the one you brought here.

RS – I thought so.

Arjun – But who’s going to drive? You or me?

RS – Please, let me drive!

Arjun – Okay, cool!

RS – Arjun, I have a surprise for you. Why don’t you open the glovebox?

Arjun – Ohh, nice, but don’t call it my surprise, it’s our surprise.

RS –Now, we’ll play a simple game. It’s called pairing mode, where you have to connect your phone on Bluetooth with this and play your favourite track.

Arjun – I already own one Volvo, which is paired with my phone, and after pairing with this car, my phone would think, “How many Volvo’s this guy is buying?”

RS – So now you have to play the track.

Arjun plays the song.

RS – Nice track

Arjun – This is Diljit Dosanjh

RS – Is he your favourite?

Arjun – Yes, he’s not just my favourite in one thing, I like his fashion sense, his music, and of course his attitude.

RS – Now that we’re talking about music, are you a good singer?

Arjun – Not as good as Diljit, for sure, but I can give it a try because usually nobody likes when I sing, and now that you’ve asked, I’ll try my best.

Arjun sings Bol Naa Halke Halke from Jhoom Barabar Jhoom.

RS – Arjun, I’ll be honest, you suck!

Arjun – I agree

RS – So, Arjun, what are the 5 essential things you carry with you on a road trip?

Arjun – It is difficult to break it down into 5 things. I think the most important is to have a good amount of water and food. These are also necessities because you need to take care of yourself as you are going. It would be best if you had enough ways to charge your phone and electronic devices. So on a road trip, you are not compromising needing help from anyone else if your phone goes off or if your iPad etc., are not working correctly. 

Arjun – I think a sleeping bag in case you need a layover somewhere where you are staying if you are staying out in the open in a tent. Great music because, most importantly, to make sure that you’re enjoying the drive and for everybody’s mood. What is the fifth thing? Good company, I think that’s essential on a road trip. You can go alone, but you should find good company on your way somehow.

RS – Who are the 6 people you will take in this 7-seater?

Arjun – Six people?

RS – Or 5 people?

Arjun – I haven’t had a road trip with my family, so I think ideally with my dad, Jahnvi, Khushi, Anshula and myself, that’s about it.

RS – I was expecting some dramatic answers

Arjun – No, no! I am not giving you TRP because I think that is overdue.

RS – Now let’s talk a bit of tech. Tell me, who would you pick, Elon Musk or Steve Jobs?

Arjun – I think for anybody in my generation, with all due respect to what Elon Musk is achieving today, it wouldn’t be possible without appreciating what Steve Jobs did and started the conversation and to go between Microsoft and then evolving his own company, Apple and the kind of tech that Apple has given to the world.

RS – Yeah, I agree with you, Arjun. Steve Jobs is my favourite also. Now since we are talking tech, let’s go deep. What do you think about meta, and what do you think about startups? Do you invest in startups, meta etc.?

Arjun – Where startups are concerned, I have invested in a couple of startups and trying to keep them low profile since we are startups. They should grow for what the business is.

RS – Correct

Arjun – Versus celebrities are coming in to try and push it. The one startup that I have spoken about is a food cloud which is very close to my heart primarily because it’s one of my friends. A couple of my friends from Delhi started this. 

RS – So Arjun, what made you buy the XC90 in the first place?

Arjun – In pure, honest terms, the comfort and the fact that driving it is comfortable but along with that being a passenger in the car is even more comfortable because it is one of the smoothest drives. It’s such a silent beauty, it’s a sophisticated car and very understated. I rarely look at cars and pick them up in white, but I fell in love with the fact that it looks so clean. I think the design, slickness, and interiors are value for money. For anybody watching, I have to say, it’s a car that is value for money.

Arjun – I’ve done whatever basic research and study that you do, and you realise what an absolute steal and bargain for the feature. The kind of features and for the kind of sophistication and technology and the styling. It’s a car that I personally enjoy driving, even though I don’t get too much time to drive. My sister is obsessed, and she fights with me to use it. And I have to confess that it’s a car that will be with me for a long, long time because I’d prefer to upgrade it rather than swap. So for me, it’s like, I feel a sense of loyalty to Volvo because of how amazing the car has made me and my family feel.

RS – Arjun, what is the particular feature that you love about the car?

Arjun – Who doesn’t like a good massage?

RS – Yes. I am sure you are having one right now

Arjun – No, I am not. I am being very nice; that is my favourite feature for sure. And then the air cleanser. In a situation where you want to feel good sitting in your car, you know you want to relax and want to be able to breathe easy. It allows it to happen. 

RS – So Arjun, what is the next movie?

Arjun – I just wrapped a film called Kuttey. Then there is another film called Villain 2, directed by Mohit Suri, and there is John Abraham, Disha Patni, Tara Sutaria, and myself. Kuttey is Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah, Kumud Mishra, Radhika Madan, Shardul Bhardwaj and myself. So these are the two films I have completed shooting that will hit screens in the second half of this year, and I am going to start a new film with Bhumi in a couple of weeks’ time, called Lady Killer.

RS – Oh wow! You often drive Arjun, or do you prefer being chauffeured around with all the paparazzi etc.?

Arjun – In Mumbai, it becomes difficult to drive because there is chaos around us, like you said. I rarely get to drive, but when I do, I prefer driving the Volvo only as it’s again discreet and low key and you can get away even before people realise who it was in the car.

RS – Are you itching to drive, by the way?

Arjun – Daytime and Sea Link’s combination is perfect to drive. Of course, if you would let me.

RS – Sure, I’ll just pull over now. I shouldn’t have asked this question, but now that I have asked I will switch over.


RS – What is the best time for you to drive?

Arjun – The latter half of the day is easier to drive for me because there is less traffic. When you are working the whole day, you get out driving you definitely want to do it without the traffic, the honking and the chaos. And Mumbai’s traffic is not the easiest to drive. I think a lot, so I do not like to drive in that thought process. I like to drive when my head is clear, and the roads are clear, night is the best time I feel.

RS – I am sure when you drive at night, do these driving assistants really help while parking?

Arjun – For a person like me, whether it is day or night for a person like me. I have to confess, parking in Mumbai is a skill in itself. You may learn to drive, but you need to do a PhD in parking. I have to confess, and this car has made that process much simpler for me, so you don’t feel as paranoid about stepping out with this car because the parking assistant is going to make sure you are not stuck in a difficult situation. It may look easy but is very complicated.

RS – Okay Arjun, we’re in the last leg of the conversation. I enjoyed talking with you about cars, tech, etc. Honestly, I don’t usually let people sit in my driver’s seat.

Arjun – I’m feeling honoured that you let me have it.

RS – So, before we wrap up, you have to say a joke, and before that, please say bye.

Arjun – Bye is better than a joke. First, you made me sing, and now you are asking me to crack a joke.

RS – Come on! It’s time for a joke. So guys, don’t forget to give us a thumbs up. Drop the comments about whatever you liked the best about the video. Arjun, now it’s time for your joke.

Arjun – So there is a very stressed and upset patient who goes to the doctor. The doctor says, what happened? What’s the matter? The patient says I am addicted to Instagram, really addicted, and the situation is really bad. Do something, help me. So the doctor looks around at him very calmly and says I am sorry I don’t follow you.

RS – Was that a joke?

Driven By Passion

Today, we have a Lamborghini Urus and one self-made star to accompany us, the star who swam against the flow to prove herself, and of course, she conquered it gracefully.
If you’re a fan of pop music, then you might have known her by name. We are talking about the first Indian artist with a platinum single in English. She is also a songwriter and the founder of Svatantra Microfin, a company that provides microfinance to women in rural and semi-urban India. She is Ananya Birla.

Ex: It was an epic year, so tell us, what have you been doing?
Ananya: I was in LA for the entire year when Covid hit. I never imagined that something like this would ever happen, and I think it has been a year full of learnings. I made a lot of music and grew a lot as an individual.

Ex: What has been your learning? Tell us something that you learned during the pandemic.
Ananya: To be more in the present moment. We work so hard, and we want to succeed so much, but we forget to be happy in the middle of all of that, and that’s what I think I learned. That’s what I have been doing and just enjoying the journey more than worrying about anything else.

Ex: During the lockdown, did you learn how to make the Dalgona coffee, cooking or any other #lockdowntrend?
Ananya: I feel terrible as everyone used to say they learnt cooking or found some hobby during the lockdown. But I still did not learn cooking as my best friend was with me, who cooks. I used to wash the dishes after eating excellent meals made by her, so I think its a fair fight?

Ex: You are the first Indian to be trending on the top 40 radio stations in the US, national icon and international icon, so how does it feel?
Ananya: It’s been a good run, and I think I made the most of 2020, and I am proud of it. I also launched the Ananya Birla foundation, giving back to society in this challenging time.
How do I feel? No matter what, I think it’s still the start, and I have to do more. It has been a good run till now. We’ve hit significant milestones this year, and that’s about it.

Ex: Your song Everybody’s Lost is profound. Has it gotten the same response throughout the world?
Ananya: Everybody’s Lost is a very different song, and it has done well in the states. It has also done well in Mexico and Japan. A couple of my songs like Meant to be, Hold on have done better in India, but Everybody’s Lost has excellent numbers. I like electronic music, but this is a sound that I enjoy right now. It blends in time and sounds better.

Ex: Apart from music, what are your other passions?
Ananya: I love travelling, adventure, reading, and I love cars. Even this is an adventure for me having a long drive in the Urus.

Ex: Now that the lockdown is over, what are the destinations you would like to visit with your girl gang?
Ananya: I think we would go to the Maldives; I love the Maldives. It’s so peaceful there, and I love oceans basically; I’m a water baby.

Ex:  What gives you a thrill? What are some of the thrilling adventures you have been to or done?
Ananya:  I went skydiving in Dubai recently and loved it. I have had a lot of highs and lows, and when you have those high high highs, you want to keep getting them, and adrenaline does that to you, so when you are driving fast in a car or when you are travelling, you feel this rush.

Ex: Urus does 0-100 in 3.6 seconds. The roads are clean ahead, so are you up for it?
Ananya: WOW! That’s insane, and honestly, it was so smooth you did not feel that jerk.

Ex:  What is the hardest decision you made or took in your life?
Ananya: I think it has to be dropping out of Oxford was quite a tough decision.                                                                                                                            Rs – I think swapping seats with you was the hardest decision I had to make.

Ex: You have your music passion, and you are also the founder of Swatantra. Are you able to manage your life and music in a cool way?
Ananya:  I started Swatantra when I was 17. It is a billion dollars worth now with over a million clients, 17 villages, and we give loans to people who need it the most, and yes, I find balancing very tough. That is one thing I still struggle with.

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