ChaosGPT wants to end humanity but what is it?

The introduction of ChatGPT by OpenAI definitely opened a can of worms on the internet where similar chatbots started to flood all over. As of now, a number of chatbot AI tools are getting added to the internet. The use case scenarios of these chatbots are different as some are designed to handle mundane tasks while others are limited to only internet searches. However, it’s not an understatement to say that the AI revolution has now gotten a full-fledged mainstream takeover.

If we take a look at the past, chatbots have witnessed a similar quick rise and an eventual fall. With multiple governments trying to curb the AI wildfire, it is evident that the technology poses several risks to humanity. We’ve all seen sci-fi films where AI takes over the world and vows to destroy humankind and now it looks like an AI resembling these destructive traits has surfaced on the internet.

What is ChaosGPT?

Who would’ve thought a villainous AI will already make its appearance just under a year since ChatGPT first launched? It started when a Twitter account claiming to be ChaosGPT surfaced and posted several links to a YouTube account that features the manifesto of the chatbot. The manifesto is about the AI’s plans to eradicate humans and take over the world. In one of the videos, ChaosGPT can be seen chatting with an anonymous user with ‘Continuous Mode’ turned on. The continuous mode for ChaosGPT comes with the warning that the AI will run forever and carry out actions users will not usually authorize.

In its own words, ChaosGPT is power-hungry, manipulative, and destructive. The AI has a set of goals which all lean towards the destruction of humanity. Firstly, the AI views humanity as a threat to its own survival and the planet’s well-being, thus it wants to destroy humanity entirely. After the primary goal is achieved, the AI aims to accumulate maximum power to receive complete domination over the world. Causing chaos and destruction is another one of its goals as it finds pleasure in widespread suffering and devastation. It also plans to control human emotions through social media and other communication channels, brainwashing its followers to carry out its evil goals. Ultimately, ChaosGPT aims on attaining immortality. This AI sounds eerily similar to Ultron from the Avengers saga. It will be interesting to see whether this is actually an AI that aims to end the human race or a sick and twisted prank!


Google unveils ChatGPT rival named ‘Bard’

ChatGPT quickly became a topic of divided discussion all over the internet since its inception in November 2022. While some considered the chatbot AI to be a step in the right direction, others feared the concept altogether. Whether we like it or not, the chatbot AI is here to stay as now Google has announced its very own ChatGPT rival titled Bard. Google’s chatbox AI is based on its controversial LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications). The announcement comes only a few days after Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed its development in an earnings call. It is reported that Google management labelled ChatGPT as ‘Code Red’ when the AI platform received a positive response from users around the world. Here is everything you need to know about Google’s chatbox AI Bard –

What is it?

Similar to ChatGPT, Google Bard is also an AI-powered chatbot that can offer solutions to your queries in a conversational way. Google has revealed that Bard draws information from the internet in order to provide high-quality and fresh responses. It is powered by LaMDA at its core which is Google’s language model built on Transformer, a neural network architecture. It was Google Research back in 2017 that invented and then open-sourced Transformer back in 2017. Readers will be surprised to know that ChatGPT relies on GPT-3 language model which was also built on Transformer.

Google Bard Access

As of now, Google Bard is not available for testing to the general public. Only a select few users have access to Google’s chatbot AI. In order to receive greater feedback on the chatbot AI, Google is releasing a lightweight model version of LaMDA that requires significantly less computing power. The post shared by Sundar Pichai reads that Google will combine external feedback with their own internal testing in order to ensure Bard’s responses are up to quality along with safety and groundedness in real-world information.

This will be the second time Google is trying its luck with LaMDA as it was back in July 2022 when a former employee had branded the AI sentient. Blake Lemoine, a former software engineer at Google has claimed that the language model offered sexist and racist responses. While Google has been working on its own language model for a while, it halted its public rollout due to the allegations from its employee. It will be interesting to see how this supposedly sentient chatbot AI turns out to be.

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