Drone Destroying Technologies: Nullify UAVs’ Impact

A few days ago, the Exhibit team came out with certain essential concerns about drones. Drones which, if it is in your hand, make you feel empowered. Otherwise, you are vulnerable. In the previous article on drones, Exhibit also discussed those points that are creating an issue. And, to counter them, Exhibit laid out several methodologies to upgrade drone detection systems. But, this time, Exhibit will display how to neutralize such entities if such elements penetrate your territory. Keep an eye and understand what you need to do to destroy or take control of such weapons. 

RF Jammer

In the previous article, we have thoroughly discussed how to upgrade detection equipment with an RF analyzer. But the time has come for jammers. What happens in jamming? I hope you have heard of these instruments earlier. Remember when a political figure sitting at the zenith of administration and governance comes to your vicinity. You may complain about network signals getting lost. The same happens with drones. These jammers emit radio frequency signals at enormous energy. Due to this, the controller signals are unable to reach such UAVs. Once it has lost connectivity, it may go back to its original position or fall uncontrolled.

GPS Spoofers

Imagine you are going to a location using your GPS (through a mobile app). Suddenly, you feel like the distance that was reduced again increased. No, don’t worry, such things don’t happen. But, to counter UAVs if such situations arise, you may easily deter such defensive entities. How? Consider that if you detect a drone has trespassed your land and is trying to make a lethal move, you can send a signal that tells a drone that it has come to the wrong location and must move back. GPS Spoofers is a non-lethal method to resist lethal moves (Quotable quote, isn’t it?). Hence, through such systems, you can avoid drone attacks. 

HPM & HEL Devices 

In easy language, you can imagine that your GPS Spoofers or RF Jammers are like Windows OS. And, this OS platform wants to download updates. Once downloaded, it’s an upgraded element for sure with enhanced features. The HPM (High-Power Microwave) device also sends an electromagnetic pulse (similar to an RF signal). But, this pulse can destroy the electronic circuitry in these UAVs. It is because such vibrations create a high difference in voltage. This difference results in a high jump in current, and that destroys the circuitry. The same is true for HEL (High-Energy Laser) devices, but here you send a laser beam. However, HEL has the edge over all other drone-destroying instruments due to its long-range fire. HEL also helps to reduce collateral damage. 


The Exhibit has come with another byte on defense technology. This time it has covered aspects of destroying drones. But these are hard bits and pieces. Imagine if all such functionalities and traits integrate into one place. Today, defense R&D is trying to hammer and tap the other aspects too. For other articles on defense technology on the Exhibit platform, click here

Home sweet automated Home!


Over the years, the definition of a household has changed drastically. What began as a small dwelling for early humans to take shelter from the natural elements has now become a full-fledged accessory of life. Heck, having a well-furnished and well-equipped home is not only stylish, but it has also become necessary. With technology advancing in leaps and bounds and automation spreading its roots in every sector, home automation has also become a common sight.

Right from opening the garage when you arrive from office to giving you a goodnight sleep, from your morning alarms to cooking delicious dinners, from reading a book quietly in your room to dancing your heart out on your favorite song that Alexa has just played; There is practically nothing that a smart home can’t do for you. It is a home that understands your needs more than you do. A place that’ll listen to your problems and give you an environment to come up with the best solutions one can possibly find. An abode that you’ll fall in love with!

Technology has evolved in ways that you wouldn’t have imagined a few years ago. At times like these, when things can be controlled at the tip of your fingers, you don’t have to worry about whether you shut your garage door before leaving the house or not. Systems such as Garage Smarts 101, Chamberlain MYQ Smart Garage Hub, Garadget or Alcidae Garager 2 can be installed which can be easily controlled with controllers such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or Apple HomeKit and can be used for opening garages and various other activities. 

Use Smart locks to lock your fort of goodies with a single tap on the phone or either ask Siri to do it for you. Using the perks that GPS and Bluetooth provides, Siri is smart enough to unlock your house if your friends visit! The smart home technology extends itself way beyond your imagination. The tech revolution has changed your way of living with single taps or mere your voices. You can now control your television or home theatres merely by asking Siri to do it for you. 

A way to protect your homes from thefts; the technology of motion sensors can identify the difference between burglars & pets & sends you an alert each time an activity happens around your house! Cameras that can track your home’s exterior even if it’s pitch black outside! Smart lights are another perk in smart homes. Change the color, switch them on & off, dim it from the comfort of your bed without having your spouse disturbed. 

Create sunrise and sunset effects with large-yet-smart watches without having to step outside of your house. Use Smart Shades to cut the lights down. Level the brightness inside your house according to your requirement at a single tap. It’s like having a friend or a housekeeper who’d do anything for you without a question! 

Use smart dining tables & seating that maximize the area in your rooms, making the place an open one to live. 

Designing a smart home is not as easy as you might think. However, it is not rocket science either. Have a specific set of requirements & everything will be on board before you even know it. Home automation has revolutionized human lives and will continue to improve the standard of living. . Smart Homes are easily compatible with all your needs. Don’t hesitate. We’re sure that Siri and Alexa would be glad to help you!  


How to – Fake GPS location on Android

GPS enables us to rightly locate a place but there are instances when you don’t want to be tracked. There is a multitude of apps and websites that are restricted in certain locations. And to access them you might need to spoof your location. While spoofing Android locations is something that is used mostly by developers However, ordinary Android users can also use it for various purposes. This might seem like a troublesome task but the actual process is pretty easy. So without any further ado let’s quickly find out how to use Fake GPS location app.

Download a fake GPS location app

The very first that you will require is a fake GPS location spoofing app. There are various apps available on Playstore but we used the Fake GPS location by Lexa for this purpose.

As soon as you open the app, you will be asked to head to developer options and set Mock location app.

Set mock location app in Developer options

For enabling Developer options to head to About Phone. Look for software information and then tap on build number for 7 times. This will enable Developers options.

Within Developer options, you will find an option to set a Mock location app. Set it to Fake GPS

Set location to GPS only

You will have to set the location to GPS only. As smartphones these days make use of wifi, Bluetooth for better accuracy. Turning these off will ensure proper working of the fake GPS application.

Spoof your location with fake GPS app

Now head back to the fake GPS app, set a location and then press the green play to spoof your location. 

To verify, open Google Maps and check your current location, it will show the location that you had selected on the fake GPS app.

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