Not Everything Chinese is a Virus

Well, the halt of Chinese products and the promotion of ‘Make in India’ was not just a hype after all. Looking at the current scenario, who would want to invest in Chinese businesses? We’d rather sustain our own economy right now. Since, China is very much the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons right now, we have another legit reason for you to say good bye to all things Chinese. These Chinese apps could be spreading a pandemic in your phone right now. Get rid of them, we suggest. It’s not only us but the government agrees too. 

Caution: There’s not five or ten of them. There’s a whopping 42 Chinese apps that could be spyware or malware. 

There are also some alarming and ironic facts that we will talk about but first let’s see which are the apps in your phone that need to go to trash right now.

  • Weibo (Time to say ‘We Go’)
  • WeChat (Time to sing We don’t Chat anymore)
  • SHAREIt (Shares more than you want it to)
  • UC News (gives your news to spies)
  • UC Browser (knows what’s happening in your house while you browse)
  • BeautyPlus (Minus privacy of course)
  • NewsDog (Don’t be the dog)
  • Viva Video (We ‘no’ video)
  • Parallel Space (And parallel spying)
  • APUS browser (Read again. It’s not ASUS) 
  • Perfect Corp (with imperfect intentions)
  • Virus Cleaner (more like virus installer?)
  • CM Browser (Chief Malware browser?)
  • Mi Community (Of spies!)
  • DU Recorder (Ewww Recorder)
  • Vault-Hide (Sensitive Details SHOW)
  • YouCam MakeUp (You CAN’T)
  • Mi Store (of Malware)
  • CacheClear DU Apps Studio (Cash clear?)
  • DU Battery Saver (Data drainer?)
  • DU Cleaner (Wiping out your private data!)
  • DU Privacy (not so private after all)
  • 360 security (against your info!)
  • DU Browser (click bait!)
  • Clean Master – Cheetah Mobile (Maybe, as fast as a Cheetah when it comes to compromising your data?)
  • Baidu translate (translating your data for cyber attacks)
  • Baidu Map (tracking all your moves)
  • Wonder Camera (makes you wonder where your info got leaked)
  • ES File Explorer (ES File Destroyer)
  • Photo Wonder (All those selfies aren’t private to you)
  • QQ International (International spies)
  • QQ Player (playing with your data)
  • QQ NewsFeed (feeding someone else with your news)
  • WeSync (Your data with our intentions)
  • QQ Security Centre (Securing Malware on your device)
  • SelfieCity (Selfish City?)
  • Mail Master (Malware Master)
  • QQ Launcher (Launching viruses on your phone)
  • Mi Video call (Your and everyone else’s video call is in trouble)

That’s a very long list there. These Chinese apps aren’t banned but it is advisable to delete them if you have installed them on your phone. If you haven’t, we have you reasons enough to not install them. 

Do you see a strange and ironic finding?

Most of these apps are anti-virus apps. It definitely makes you less suspicious of them. Who can imagine that an app that’s supposed to rid your phone of viruses will end up infecting it instead? Now that you know that these apps could be a threat, there shouldn’t be a doubt. 

The one that’s caught off guard in this controversial and factual news is Xiaomi. We all love Xiaomi and all its offerings to us but since this has instilled some amount of fear against the use of Mi apps, it could mean ‘crisis’ management time for Xiaomi. For those who trust the brand, continuation of use will be seen but it will be hard to instill the same trust in new buyers. Let’s see how Xiaomi handles the situation.

Another brand that everyone was shocked to see on the list is TrueCaller. However, before things got out of hand, Sweden based TrueCaller said in their defense: “In response to certain reports, we would like to clarify that we are a Sweden based company. We are not sure why the app is on this list, but we’re investigating. Truecaller is not a malware, and all our features are permission-based and are disabled by default.” This statement is believable because TrueCaller is a Swedish brand but it does make everyone wonder why it was on the list. 

As of now, there’s no concrete evidence or proof for the public at least. However, the government has listed these as threats and we must avoid the risk unless we want our phones to also be hit by a pandemic. Just saying. I mean it isn’t that important to take Selfies with a SelfieCity, right?

What is 5G? How does 5G technology work?

There is so much talk about 5G across the globe. It has been in the tech news for quite some time but a lot of us still don’t know all the details. What is this 5G technology? How does it work? Let’s decode this next-gen tech and see how it will revolutionize forthcoming mobile phone generations

For a simple start, 5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks. It is an evolution of the current 4th generation LTE networks. With the growing connectivity in the world, imagine billions of devices connected to each other with a network and mind of their own. The existing 4G network is fast enough already. Now imagine something faster than that, that too with a faster response time. Sounds cool! Doesn’t it? Now let’s see how all of it works. 

First, let’s understand a term called latency. It is the time taken by devices to respond to each other over a wireless network. Now if you thought all the celebration and hype around 5G isn’t worth your while, check this out:

  • 3G network response time – 100 milliseconds.
  • 4G network response time – 30 milliseconds. 
  • 5G network response time – 1 millisecond. 

Read that again. 1 MILLISECOND. Imagine an almost zero wait time, zero lag and everything happening in actual real time. 

So what will this ultra small wait time help us with?

  • Internet of Things! Machine to machine communication will become unbelievably fast and imagine a whole world of machines interacting with each other without any human intervention!
  • Unbelievably reliable low latency communications.
  • Enhanced mobile broadband. 

Imagine a world of smart farms, cities, schools, villages. 5G is about to shrink the world further and it seems to provide comfort to lives, businesses and communities like one has never imagined before. 

Now with so much to offer, how do 5G networks work? 

Initially, 5G networks will have to work with 4G networks to ensure a continuous connectivity. 

Getting deeper into the technical aspects; a mobile network has two main components, the ‘Radio Access Network’ and the ‘Core Network’.

The Radio Access Network – 

It comprises of an array of facilities that include small cells, towers, masts and home systems that connect mobile users and wireless devices to the main core network.

Small cells are a major feature of 5G networks especially at the new millimetre wave (mmWave) frequencies. Here, the connection range is very short. Small cells will be distributed in clusters to provide a continuous connection. 

5G Macro Cells will use MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) antennae which have multiple connections in order to send and receive more data simultaneously. The benefit to us is that more people can connect to the network at the same time while getting the same, rich output.

The Core Network 

This is the mobile exchange and data network which has the job of managing all of the mobile voice, data and internet connections. Most of the advanced features of 5G including network slicing for various applications and services will be managed in the core. 

Network Slicing 

This enables a smart way to segment the network for a particular business or application. 

Network Function Virtualization (NVF) 

This is the ability to instantiate network functions in real time for any location within the operator’s cloud platform. Network functions that used to run on dedicated hardware will now be able to operate on software on a virtual machine. NVF is extremely important for speed efficiency to support new business applications.

This is all the basic tech that goes into operations of 5G networks.

Now imagine a world where you don’t have to wait for a page to load. That’s just the tip of the iceberg and that’s the least of the best that 5G can do for you. Let our imagination dream big. Now imagine a world where you don’t have to operate anything in your house and all of those machines work on their own as and when needed. That’s what we’re talking about. Maybe even bigger and better things are in store for us with 5G. Only time will tell if it’s a boon or a bane. After all, we are all going to become super lazy with so much tech at our disposal. However, with all those perks, we aren’t really complaining. Are we? 


Touchless Technology Saves the Day

Since everything is revolving around Coronavirus, it’s treatment and the ‘new normal’, let’s think about what the world might look like if technology was to evolve too. I mean, if besides social distancing, we were to maintain a distance from gadgets too, yet operate them at the same time, how would it be?

While touchscreen technology has been around for more than a decade now, we can hardly imagine life without it. Touchscreen phones, tabs, laptops, everything. Since viruses (especially Coronavirus) and other microorganisms tend to live on surfaces, can we really control a breakout of the same by coming up with ‘touchless’ technology?

Fast-forward to 2025 and I’m leaving to buy some groceries. I simply wink at my car door to open it. A ‘wink and blink’ technology. Cool, quick and efficient. Isn’t it? I remember registering my eyelid for anti-theft certification. It was a long process and my eye did hurt but we have to be cautious. It is better to have my eye hurt than contract Coronavirus. Now I can be sure that neither will my car be stolen nor will I contract Coronavirus (at least not by touching the surface of my car). What a relief.

I am back home and it is time to check my phone. It is at my work desk and I only have to wave ‘hello’ to it for its screen to appear on my TV – the big screen experience! I feel super lazy for not even lifting my hand to touch the phone but that’s what all of this new Touchless technology is about! Besides, my hand already hurts from waving ‘hello’. And now that the display is on the big screen, I’d finish a few tasks and enter a Zoom call for my official meeting. Let’s go with checking my social media accounts first. To enter my Instagram account, I simply make a ‘duck face’, for TikTok I need to make an exaggerated dance move and for Twitter, I need to speak a strong opinion for a ’cause’. Touchless technology is that simple! Crazy, isn’t it? For the Zoom call thereafter, I simply make an ‘It’s Monday again’ face and there we go. I’m beginning to think that why wasn’t Touchless technology always a way of life?

The whole of my face and body hurt right now by making all those expressions and gestures so it’s a free workout session every day too! That’s quite a bonus. I’m not complaining. What I’m thinking about is just this, that if we were winking at our cars without this ‘touchless’ technology, it would be so odd. Think about making that ‘it’s Monday again’ face to login to Zoom meetings and getting fired by your boss.

Well, so much for avoiding pandemics. We’re afraid of the touch but I guess we should be more afraid of the ‘touchless’ unless we want to get weirder, looted by tech companies for the new technology and well, more susceptible to a mental care rehabilitation centre. We’re okay with building herd immunity for now, I guess?

New Camera Buying Guide For First Timers

A camera is one of the most used gadgets in the present time. We all have a small and capable camera with us at all times – our smartphones. Smartphones cameras have now evolved to be more capable than they were five years ago. Most of us love our smartphones which can carry out the day to day imaging needs very easily. However, if you are looking to upgrade to a different camera, it is a different ball game altogether.

Tips to Buying a New Camera

Buying a new camera is much simpler now. You have a lot of brands and types of cameras that are available within a wide price range. What becomes difficult is the process of choosing which camera to buy. There are many choices which usually confuse buyers. Megapixels, zoom, battery life etc, a lot to consider before putting your money on one.

Buying a camera is basically identifying what you would be doing with your camera. Are you shooting your regular life or doing something which required more control? In this guide, we have narrowed down the types of cameras according to their capabilities and uses.

The first thing you do is set a budget range. Your budget will depend on what you want to get. Needless to say, the higher your budget, the better equipment you can buy. So, set a budget which will enable you to narrow down the options available in the same range. 

Now that your budget has been finalized, you can choose what type of camera to buy. For someone who would use the camera for his day to day photos, vacations etc, you can go for a small but powerful digital camera. Digital cameras have now become extremely capable and pack very powerful sensors and processors inside. Digital cameras are easier to operate and you do not need to be a pro to actually take pictures. Simply setting up it in auto mode will allow you to take pictures very easily. While portability and image quality is the advantage, the downside of digital cameras is basically the small sensor and limited flexibility that could be an issue for someone who likes more control.

Interchangeable lens cameras are making most of the noise. The name suggests, allows you to change the lens of the camera. An interchangeable lens camera could have various sizes of sensors. Micro four-thirds, APS-C or 35mm sensor which is commonly known as Full-Frame cameras. Interchangeable lens cameras have a major division now which is the DSLRs and the Mirrorless camera. While DSLRs are traditional cameras with big bulky bodies and a pentaprism mirror for their optical viewfinders, mirrorless cameras have ditched all the extra flab and become smaller and lighter which eases the handling.

The choice of the sensor size is an important factor when buying an interchangeable camera. While DSLRs will leave with the choice of either an APS-C or a Full-Frame sensor, mirrorless cameras can come with a micro four-third sensor which is smaller than the traditional crop (APS-C) sensor. In digital photography, the size of the sensor plays an important role, especially with image quality. Megapixels do count, but honestly, the megapixel roar is just gimmick. Any camera with a megapixel count above 20 is just good enough for the images that you would take. With a full-frame sensor, you will have more data which can be later processed if you are shooting for commercial purposes or need to make very large prints. 

What about those who do not want the normal conventional cameras? Well for those who like to capture their adventures, an action camera is the way to go. Action cameras, do not get it wrong, are quite powerful when compared to their tiny size. Most of the top of the line action cameras can record 4K footage as well as large images. Action cameras are built very rough and tough and come with weather sealing, allowing you to take it anywhere in any weather condition. Images taken on action cameras are usually warped as the angle of view is very wide. However, you can choose different options of crop like the narrow-angle of view or the superwide. 

Remember, you will use the camera to its best abilities if it actually suffices all the requirements you have. Buying a very expensive camera without the technical know-how makes it just as obsolete as buying a sports car for driving on the country roads. You know it is going to scrape its belly. Why not get an SUV and take advantage of the higher ground clearance instead?

AI in the Fight Against COVID-19

2020 has been a disaster. The first quarter of the year is almost over and people have no other option but to sit inside their homes, while a China originated human-killing virus wipes a considerable amount of the world population. While ‘Thanos’ was an imaginary being in the Marvel Universe, his aim was no different. He wanted to relieve the world of half its population and restore balance. The COVID-19 is no different situation apart from the fact that killing innocent humans is not going to restore the balance on earth, not after it has been subjected to all the malicious atrocities that it has been subjected since the arrival of mankind.

The virus which is also known as coronavirus is said to be originated in the city of Wuhan, China and suspected to be contracted from animals to humans. As people kept mingling and travelling all over the world, the virus too was spread. The current situation is so bad that most advanced countries like the USA and healthcare dominant countries like Italy are on the verge of giving up. All the global leaders, dignitaries and citizens of most of the infected countries are just asking the same question. When will this end?

In the fight against coronavirus, artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) have all of a sudden great role to play. While doctors, physicians, pharma companies and scientists are directly engaged in this duel of humanity against the virus, AI and ML are now being used as human allies for the answer to we all looking to hear. 

How will AI and ML fight the disease?

For most of us, AI and ML are just boxed in computers. Apart from seeing AI and ML suggest products from our last google search, none of us has actually seen AI work in real-time. What most people would know AI as just a bunch of codes which work behind the scenes to make things easier in front of the screen. However, if you think so, you are wrong. You can not physically see AI and ML do its job, but AI and ML are contributing to this fight, a whole lot more than you can imagine. 

AI and ML can effectively track the disease spread and the trends which points out where the medical help is most needed and where the virus is most likely to spread. This helps medical professionals to quickly act and helps to curb the spread of the disease. AI or as we know artificial intelligence is beyond normal human learning and use its past learning patterns to quickly identify where the things could go wrong. Based on its learning and combining its previous knowledge with insights, it can predict where the disease could go next based on the population flow and density. 

Artificial Intelligence can also match the symptoms of COVID-19 and the required treatment or any other therapy that is required. AI is also streamlining the best treatments for the disease which we still await an effective vaccine. Not only this, but AI and ML are also being used to analyse millions of drugs, elements and formulas with high speed to develop a vaccine. AI might seem to be working at its full speed, but a vaccine is still a year or more away from being developed. 

Now coming to the other side, AI and ML must also contribute to risk management. AI is as good as 95% correct most of the times. With more and more learning, AI continuously improves and thus corrects itself. However, it is quite dicey at this point to depend on AI alone, especially when the data samples (available data on COVID-19) is very less. Will AI still be that effective when it comes to less available data and also predict the failures? This is still to be understood at large unless there is a huge amount of data available for artificial intelligence to learn from. 

For any organisation or company using AI and ML as a tool in the current crisis, it is clear that AI and ML are no more proprietary or experimental technology anymore. The current situation has help demonstrate AI and ML have far more usage and applications, especially when human knowledge and efforts seem to have seen a dead end.

Vu 4K Android Smart TV (50CA) – Review | Quality Entertainment

Vu is spreading its wings in the television industry with its affordable range of smart TV’s. Vu’s Smart TV is another such attempt in this direction. The smart TV is made available in three screen sizes – 139cm (55-inch),126cm (50-inch) and 108 cm (43-inch). It comes with a DLED panel with a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. The smart TV is HDR10 compatible with a maximum brightness of 500 nits. 

Before talking about the display, we will talk about setting up the TV, which is fairly easy. It comes with legs which can be screwed to the bottom of the TV (if you are using it as a stand-up on a platform). The legs are well built and compatible screws are supplied along with the packaging. Additionally, you can mount the TV on the wall using the supplied mount in the packaging. The TV has screw holes in the back of the chassis and so fixing it to your existing adjustable wall-mount is not going to be a challenge either. Plug it into the power and you will be taken through the setup process. It is better to have a speedy internet connection and you can connect via wi-fi or a wired LAN connection would do as well. You will need to log into the TV with your preferred Gmail account and the TV will sync to it noting your preferences. 

The HDR10 supported display is very bright and crisp. I tried playing some travel 4K content from YouTube and the experience was amazing. Being a 4K enabled device, the picture quality is top-notch and the viewing experience is exhilarating.

I took to watching the Transformers movie franchise and soon ended up watching all the movies of the series because of the sheer pleasure of watching. The 500 nits of brightness is adequate and 50-inch screen size is good enough for a mid-sized room or even the hall for that matter. Moreover, the TV comes with Dolby Vision HDR support which rather amplifies the watching experience to a whole new level.

For audio, as I think of myself to be a purist, and have been using a dedicated audio receiver and a surround 5.1 setup. However, this TV comes with its own 40W speaker setup in the bottom with Dolby Audio support. This features had to be tested and I must say, it does not disappoint; not at all. With preset profiles for audio, you can select the audio according to your preference and use; music, cinema and standard which changes the way audio is delivered. Watching the movies with the sound from the TV was a delight and there was no moment where dialogue would disappear or the sound effect would seem muddy. For most users, the audio quality will be on par.

 On the software front, it supports Android 9 Pie out of the box and comes preloaded with apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Hotstar and Google Play. The TV also has support for Google assistant. It comes with a host of connectivity options which include Bluetooth 5.0, Wifi, 3 HDMI, 2 USB, HDMI ARC, earphone jack, etc. Talking of hardware, the Smart TV is powered by a Quad-core A55 processor clocked at 1.2GHz and a Dual-core Mali470MP GPU. Besides this, the TV gets 1.5GB of RAM and 8GB of onboard storage. 

Not once did the TV had a hiccup or any lag. Operation with the remote was smooth. If you leave the TV on for some time, you will see screensavers being displayed and later the TV will go into sleep mode (without switching off) shutting off the screen to save power. You can hit the power button on the remote to bring it back to life. 

The software experience on this thing is smooth and lag-free. Moreover, the supplied remote has separate hotkeys for Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, and Google Play Movies. Which allows one to swiftly switch between multiple apps.  


The Vu Smart Cinema TV brings great picture and audio quality to the table. It has support for Dolby Vision and Dolby Audio which is rare at this price bracket and is an excellent option for those looking for high definition entertainment on a budget. Those who are a fan of gaming on the consoles will find this TV to be a perfect choice for those high-end games, especially with the crisp 4K screen. Moreover, the TV comes with Android 9 providing a smooth and clutter-free experience. Vu Cinema TV is available in three variants in 43-inches, 50-inches and 55-inches which are priced at Rs 26,999/-, Rs 29,999/- and Rs 33,999/- respectively.

Philips Headphones TAPN505 – Review | Music Sounds Better

Headphones have lost their wires, thanks to the wireless technology. However, wireless headphones can be of different quality levels, depending on the technology used. I have been testing the Philips headphones TAPN505 ANC headphones for a while now and this is the part where I can tell you if it is worth your money.

How does it look?

The Philips headphones TAP505 is a neckband type, in-ear active noise-cancelling headphone. Inside the box, you get the actual headphones, a charging wire, a USB to 3.5mm audio wire and a plush case for the headphone. The TAPN505 comes with simple looks, a neckband that expands towards the edges. On the left side, you get the power button, volume rocker, the Noise Cancellation button and the Google Assitant button. There are built-in LED indicators which show charging, connectivity and noise cancellation status. A flap on the extreme end of the left of the band conceals the micro-USB charging port. The left and the right in-ear buds are slightly angled. You can also see the small pores which contain the microphones to provide active noise cancellation. The design is very simple and the overall package looks neat and well designed. 

How does perform Headphones? 

Using the Philips TAPN505 is very easy. It quickly detects new Bluetooth devices and pairs instantly with the previously paired ones in the proximity. The in-ear buds fir well into the ears; which allow you to fit rubber tips according to your preference. The ANC toggles between Off, ON and Ambient Noise which essentially is meant to be used when commuting. The Ambient Noise amplifies the surrounding noises giving you a clear idea of everything happening around you. The noise cancellation mode works pretty well and I have tested it during a flight to firm my belief. 

Moving to the actual performance of the TAPN505, it did not fail to amuse me. I listen to a variety of music which includes instrument heavy tracks, vocals, instrumental and also modern-day electronic music. The sound output from the TAPN505 is pretty impressive. The 12.2mm neodymium drivers have an impedance of 32 Ohms and sensitivity of 103 dB and a frequency range of 7-40,000 Hz. The sound is very crisp with a lot of details in the highs and lows. The lows are prominent with the bass being quite boomy. There are times when the bass will sound muddy, but it is recommended to turn down the volume a couple of notches to experience the clarity these headphones provide. It comes with a lithium-polymer battery built-in which delivered over 10 hours of listening with ANC doing its job in the background. If you are in a hurry, a simple 5-minute charge assures you 2 hours of playback time. On the connectivity front, the Bluetooth was simple and easy to connect with a strong connection all around the house.

Should you buy it Headphones?

The Philips TAPN505 is a great choice for daily users, especially the ones who love their music. With a great sound output, noise cancellation and long battery life, it is a well-wrapped package which justifies it Rs. 11,990 price tag. Not to mention several offers which are being bundled along with the TAPN505, you will surely not regret buying the TAPN505 for yourself. 


  • Drivers – 12.2mm drivers/ closed-back
  • Type – In-ear, Neckband
  • Battery – Li-polymer
  • Playback time – 10 hours

Digitek-DRL18H LED Ring Light Review

Lighting is the most important part when you are shooting a photo or video. While flashes can be used to shoot pictures, video shooting requires a constant powerful source of light which can illuminate the subject and surrounding areas evenly. LED video lights have been in use for a long time now. LED lights are easy to use, carry and provide a great level of illumination for a fraction of the cost of high-end lighting setups.

Content creators are often looking to improve their quality of content they shoot and share on the social platforms. Many video creation platforms require users to create short format videos and share with their followers. This has also given rise to video creation on smartphones. While current smartphones can shoot great quality photos and videos, without proper lighting, it is as good as shooting with a VGA camera. 


Digitel DRL18H LEd Ring light

For individual content creators who shoot solo at their offices and workplaces, setting up lighting and shooting could be a challenge. An additional light with more function would be the right companion for making short-format videos and vlogs. So we tested the Digitel DRL18H LEd Ring light and here is what we think of it. 

The Digitek DRL18H LED Ring light is a ring-shaped LED light panel as the name already suggests. It comes packed in a box and is comfortably sitting inside a carry case. Digitek also bundles a light stand with the DRL18H. Inside the box, you get the DRL18H ring light, a mobile phone holder mount and a cold-shoe adapter mount which allows you to attach additional gear. The front has the circular white diffuser panel. At the back, you have the power switch, AC power input, and two knobs which control the intensity and the colour of the light. Moreover, it also features two universal ‘V’ battery mounts which will allow you to use the DRL18H without having to plug into power. The overall build is good and sturdy. The adjustable light stand bundled with the light can be adjusted for height and also the spread of the tripod legs can be adjusted. The outer diameter of the ring is 490mm and the internal diameter stands at 375mm. The light weighs a mere 1.1kg and is easy to move. 

Now moving to the performance, we shot a couple of tech videos and found the light quality to be very good. You can adjust the brightness and colour temperature of the light which ranges from 3200K-5600K. The light has an output power of 55 watts and a luminance of 5200 LM and also features step-less adjustment. If you shoot videos on a smartphone, the supplied mobile phone and hot shoe adapter will be of great help. Additionally, you can attach an external microphone on the hot-shoe mount. The light will be very beneficial for those who shoot short format videos, shoot makeup tutorials as well as those who vlog from a desk set up. The light is very evenly distributed and provides soft illumination. It is very bright and it is advisable not to stare at it for a long period of time to avoid stress on your eye

So, if you are planning to buy an LED light for content creation, the Digitek DRL 18H LED Ring light is a very capable contender for the same, especially if you are single-handed shooter on your smartphone. Digitek’s touch of adding extra hot shoe mounts, adapters and mobile phone holder makes it a perfect lighting package in a budget.

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