18 remarkable years !
Editor's note

18 remarkable years !

In the Bhagavad Gita, it includes 18 chapters. It teaches effective leadership built on the foundation of self-awareness, discipline, and stoicism.

We are celebrating our 18th Anniversary, and the number 18 holds significance in various cultures, religions, and contexts. It often symbolises positive concepts such as life, luck, and prosperity. I was looking back at Exhibit’s incredible 18-year journey since 2005, which transcends from print through digital to AI.

Here are some notable aspects of the number 18 that make it fascinating. In Judaism, the number 18 is the numerical value of the Hebrew word “chai,” which means “life.” It makes 18 a symbol of good luck and longevity. Giving gifts or donations in multiples of 18 in Jewish culture is expected to wish someone a long and happy life. Not only that, but it’s also coming of age. In many countries, including India, turning 18 is a significant milestone. It is often the age at which individuals legally become adults, gaining the right to vote, sign contracts, and make independent decisions. We just had our elections, and I am sure many who have turned 18 have exercised their right to vote for the first time. This transition marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood.

Let’s look at Numerology. For instance, 18 is the number for abundance, manifestation, and self-determination. It is associated with people who are caring, generous, and focused on improving the world. It combines the energies of 1 (new beginnings, leadership) and 8 (power, ambition). In the Bhagavad Gita, it includes 18 chapters. It teaches effective leadership built on the foundation of self-awareness, discipline, and stoicism. And finally, Symbolism: In tarot, the 18th card of the Major Arcana is the Moon, which represents intuition, dreams, and the unconscious mind. In the world of tech, the upcoming iOS 18 brings new beginnings to Apple users all over the world. With this update, the iPadOS 18 finally has the much-needed calculator app, with perfection.

These various significances highlight how the number 18 is perceived as positive and meaningful in different aspects of life, symbolising life, maturity, prosperity, and completeness, and our 18th Anniversary does reflect on all of the above. My team and I have put together another collector’s edition. While the debate for print and digital has continued for the last decade, the story continues, and content will never be out of fashion. AI will make content scraping easier; it will be an enabler, but a human brain will still be required to tell the right from the wrong.

Cheers to the next 18 Years!

Not Written By AI

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