Only a few companies that started 100+ years ago and still exist, survive and thrive today
Another year has been struck off, and the year ending with 23 will not come back in our lifetime; 2023 is gone, and for 2123, 99.99% of those reading this will not be able to see the calendar change. Maybe bio hacks and medical tech can prolong us, but there will surely be your AI avatar, with voice, body and clone fitted into a human-robot or some online cloud for your family to live with. It is possible to have a robot with the voice of your loved ones and play soccer or chess with them, with emotional intelligence planted to make them talk and behave like they were when they were gone. Tech can change anything, humans included. How many companies have actually survived for 100 years? And 98% of the existing companies have yet to plan to survive and grow for 100 years. If you look back, only a few companies that started 100+ years ago and still exist, survive and thrive today. For example, Volkswagen is just 83 years old, Nissan is 90+ years old, and Tesla is less than half as old as Elon Musk.
We ended the year on a high with the 10th Edition of Reliance Digital presents Exhibit Tech Awards driven by Skoda, celebrating the best of tech and eager in anticipation for 2024 to begin on a high. The jury for the same included the best of technology experts as our panel with 100M+ smart followers of tech on social media combined. Congratulations to all the winning brands and products. Every new year for Exhibit starts in Las Vegas for the last 15 years with CES – Consumer Electronics Show, the mecca of tech conventions, and we will be on the ground in January to cover the year looking forward and setting the tone for the shape of tech to come. Times have been moving fast, and everyone gets a bit philosophical at the end of December and starts looking at life and the year gone by. It’s at this time that most of us make bold promises, which are called New Year’s resolutions, which often get forgotten as January sets in; it’s also at this time when people convert monks and get spiritual. In the end, like every year, life will ultimately come to an end, but the promise of a new year and a new beginning is a more prominent force to continue our quest for whatever we want to achieve in this one life we have.
Until you find that goal, keep doing soul searching, do not take life seriously, and enjoy every moment because tomorrow is not sure, but today is. Happy 2024!