Apple’s 13 models are in short supply, thanks to a global chip shortage. Don’t be surprised if the prices of your smartphone models increase, reversing the decade-long trend of falling prices. The business law says that demand meets supply; if there is a mismatch, the price either goes up or down. Exciting times are ahead, and the same goes for the automobile industry, with months-long waits across car models.
Demand for everything has shot up, and the economy, which has been crying for the last 1.5 years, has finally gotten the vaccine and has begun to sprint. Look everywhere, and you will see everyone planning to buy a new house, smartphone, car, and everything they used to dream of during Covid times. Travel plans are at an all-time high, and resorts are sold out. Even a trip to the moon is now possible if you have the dough. Call Jeff Bezos or Sir Richard Branson and they will sort you out. Revenge tourism and now revenge consumerism is happening.
Cryptocurrencies are skyrocketing, stock markets are just refusing to look down, and all the stocks are on a high-speed bus that is just relentlessly accelerating. Everything is going up as if there is no tomorrow; this is where we all have to be cautious because the second law of nature is that what goes up has to come down. The problem is should you wait for it to come down or risk missing that proverbial bus or rocket. That’s a million-dollar question that no one can answer, and there are millions to be made or lost.
What still holds good is that sentiments are joyous and up. After months of prolonged uncertainty over life, the economy, and 100 crore vaccinations, we can see a shining silver lining, and the dark clouds are quickly disappearing. We already have many startups who have attained the status of a unicorn and many more to happen in the future, with Paytm slated to drop the largest IPO in the county. It’s never been a great time to write the next chapter of your life because life lies ahead, and never forget that we are all in this together.
Global warming and other forms of viruses will always loom over us, and we have to keep that in our mind and do our bit to contribute to the more significant cause of humanity, which is life. It has never been a better time to indulge in festivities because once you have seen darkness, you know how beautiful the first ray of sunlight is. I wish you all readers a very happy Diwali. Celebrate, indulge, and laugh, but don’t forget to wear your mask. As they say, it’s never done till it is done!