Conversations Redefined - The Rise of ChatGPT and its Top 10 Alternatives | Exhibit Tech Lifestyle

Conversations Redefined – The Rise of ChatGPT and its Top 10 Alternatives

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI. It uses a large language model called GPT-3.5, which has been trained on a vast amount of text data to understand and generate human-like responses. In simple terms, ChatGPT is a computer program that can understand and generate text-based conversations.

For example, if you ask ChatGPT, “What is the weather like today?” it can analyse your query and provide a response like, “I’m sorry, I don’t have access to real-time data, so I can’t tell you the current weather. However, you can check a weather website or use a weather app on your phone for accurate information.”

ChatGPT can be used for various purposes. It can assist with answering questions, providing information, engaging in casual conversation, or even helping with creative writing tasks. It can be integrated into applications, websites, or messaging platforms to provide interactive and dynamic conversational experiences.

ChatGPT can be used for various purposes, including:

  1. Answering Questions: You can ask ChatGPT about a wide range of topics, and it will attempt to provide relevant answers based on its training data.
  2. Providing Information: ChatGPT can provide information on general knowledge, news, sports, entertainment, and more.
  3. Assisting with Tasks: You can use ChatGPT as a virtual assistant to help with tasks like scheduling appointments, setting reminders, or finding nearby restaurants.
  4. Learning and Education: ChatGPT can assist in learning by explaining concepts, answering academic questions, or providing study resources.
  5. Creative Writing: Some users employ ChatGPT for creative purposes, such as generating story ideas, writing dialogue, or brainstorming.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider with ChatGPT:

  1. Lack of Contextual Understanding: ChatGPT sometimes struggles to maintain context throughout a conversation. It can occasionally provide irrelevant or nonsensical responses, especially if the conversation becomes lengthy or complex. 
  2. Over-Reliance on Training Data: ChatGPT’s responses are based on the patterns and information it learned from the training data. If the training data contains biased or inaccurate information, ChatGPT may inadvertently generate biased or incorrect responses.
  3. Inability to Reason and Understand Real-World Knowledge: While ChatGPT can generate human-like responses, it lacks a true understanding of the world. It does not possess real-world knowledge or reasoning abilities, and its responses are based solely on patterns it learned from the training data.
  4. Potential for Misinformation: Due to its reliance on training data, ChatGPT can sometimes generate plausible-sounding but false or misleading information. It is important to fact-check and verify information provided by ChatGPT.
  5. Insensitivity and Offensive Responses: ChatGPT can sometimes produce responses that are inappropriate, offensive, or insensitive. OpenAI has implemented measures to reduce such occurrences, but they may still arise, and human oversight is necessary.

10 Must-Try ChatGPT Alternatives

Google Bard

Uses of Google Bard: Answering questions, providing information, translating languages, writing code, and generating articles on specific topics.

Google Bard is a strong competitor to ChatGPT, powered by Google’s LAMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications). It allows for a personalised chatbot experience with a humanlike conversation. Google Bard introduces a conversational mode that refers to itself as “I”, setting it apart from Bard and ChatGPT. It is available in 180 countries without any waiting list and is soon expanding to 40 languages. Visit to access Google Bard.

Microsoft Bing Chat/ChatGPT-4

Uses of Bing Chat: Answering questions, providing information, translating languages, writing code, and generating articles on specific topics

In February 2023, Microsoft introduced Bing, its new search engine, along with a ChatGPT alternative. Bing’s AI chatbot, powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology, offers advanced responses and surpasses ChatGPT in terms of power. It provides detailed, humanlike answers, supports various tasks such as writing poems, stories and generating images from text. Bing Chat is accessible through the Microsoft Edge web browser.

Uses of SEO content creation, answering questions, providing information, AI art generation.

Jasper Chat is a helpful chatbot created by Jasper AI, serving as an excellent alternative to ChatGPT. It offers features like answering questions, creating poems or stories, and includes an AI art generator and an SEO content creator. You can utilise Jasper AI tools, including Jasper Chat, free of charge for five days.


Uses of Claude: Summarisation for Slack meetings and messages, research, creative and collaborative writing, Q&A, coding, and more.

Claude, developed by Anthropic and backed by Google, is a ChatGPT alternative designed for organisations. Although in beta, it is available on Slack and offers features such as summarising Slack threads, generating bullet reports based on channel conversations, and brainstorming ideas. Claude can answer a wide range of general questions and is unrestricted, unlike ChatGPT. It can be used without any cost.


Uses of ChatSonic: Content creation for social media, digital advertising planning, AI-generated images, customer service, and language translation.

ChatSonic and ChatGPT are popular chatbot options. ChatSonic provides a user-friendly platform that allows businesses to customise their chatbots easily. It integrates with multiple platforms, such as Facebook Messenger, Slack, and WhatsApp, unlike ChatGPT. ChatSonic is affordable, making it suitable for small businesses, while ChatGPT offers a subscription-based pricing plan. Additionally, ChatSonic offers advanced analytics tools not available in ChatGPT.


Uses of NeevaAI: Summarisation, Q&A, research.

Neeva is a unique subscription-based search engine that incorporates an AI chatbot as an alternative to ChatGPT. Neeva provides search results based on credible sources and supports its findings with source references, similar to Bing. If Neeva cannot find sufficient sources, it avoids providing inaccurate results. It also stores previous responses for quick retrieval.


Uses of YouChat: Chat, research, news updates, and providing information.

YouChat, initially launched as a personalised search engine, now includes a chatbot similar to ChatGPT. It offers question-answering and conversational capabilities, and its responses are based on the latest news with provided sources for accuracy. YouChat improves user interaction.


Uses of Perplexity: Answering questions, language translation, content creation, personal assistant, social media management.

Perplexity AI competes with ChatGPT as a free alternative. It utilises machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to provide answers similar to ChatGPT. Perplexity AI has its own app, allowing users to access it conveniently on their phones.


Uses of Character.AI: Entertainment, education, marketing, creative writing, social media.

Character.AI is a chatbot website that offers an engaging experience, allowing users to interact with AI characters resembling real people. It provides a fun and interactive alternative to ChatGPT, enabling conversations with fictional or famous personalities.


Uses of Elicit: Customer service, lead generation, HR recruitment processes, finance, education

Elicit is a powerful platform that excels in research tasks. It utilises language models to extract relevant information from papers that may not perfectly match the initial query. Elicit aids in literature reviews, summarisation, text classification, and brainstorming, offering comprehensive research support. It serves as a great alternative to ChatGPT.

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