Apple BKC Mumbai Store: Ready to Serve Customers Starting 18th April

As Apple celebrates 25 years of its presence in India, it’s hard to imagine a time when the iconic brand wasn’t a part of the Indian consumer technology landscape. Since it arrived in the Indian market in 1996, Apple has made significant strides, not just in terms of market share but also in shaping the consumer technology landscape in the country.

Indians are one of the most obsessed people in the world when it comes to Apple products but never had the luxury of buying the products from its physical stores as the brand never thought of having a store in the country. The company launched its official online stores in India in 2020 and, after 3 long years, decided to have physical stores in India.

Apple is marking a major expansion with the opening of its first Apple Store locations in the country, along with new environmental initiatives and a key milestone in the rapidly growing community of Indian developers. Apple’s first two retail stores in India will open this week in Mumbai and Delhi, welcoming customers to discover the best of Apple.

Today, Apple previewed Apple BKC, the first Apple Store® in India, in Mumbai’s bustling Bandra Kurla Complex. The store will serve as a dynamic space where customers can come together, explore Apple products and services, enjoy exceptional service, and learn how to get more out of their devices through the Apple sessions.

Apple BKC is a reflection of Mumbai’s vibrant culture and brings together the best of Apple in a beautiful, welcoming space for connection and community. The doors of the Apple BKC store will open to the public from Tuesday, 18th April 2023, and it will have 100 Apple BKC team members, speaking over 20 languages, to serve and welcome customers from around the world.

The benefits and drawbacks of remote work and its impact on work-life balance

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the trend of remote work, and over the last couple of years, it has become an increasingly popular option for employees as many companies adopted remote work as a permanent option. While there are certainly benefits to remote work, there are also drawbacks to consider, especially when it comes to work-life balance. Let’s have a quick look at them.

Benefits of Remote Work


Who doesn’t like to have 2 more hours to sleep and the luxury of home comfort? One of the biggest benefits of remote work is flexibility, where employees can often work on their own schedule, which can help them balance work and personal responsibilities. For example, a parent may be able to work during their child’s nap time or after they’ve gone to bed.

Increased productivity: 

Remote workers are often more productive than those who work in traditional office settings due to a variety of factors, such as fewer distractions, interruptions and the ability to work in a more comfortable environment. The employees who work from home also reported fewer sick days and less time off, which can help companies increase their overall productivity.

Cost savings: 

When you work remotely, you save a lot of money, along with a few hours. Without the need to commute to the office, employees can save money on transportation costs. Remote workers also save money on meals, as they can prepare their meals at home instead of buying food from restaurants or cafes. In the case of employers, remote work can lead to cost savings on office space, utilities, and other expenses.

Improved work-life balance: 

Remote work enables employees to better manage their personal and professional lives. Without the need to commute, employees can save time and energy, which they can use to engage in other activities that are important to them, such as spending time with family and friends, exercising, or pursuing hobbies.

Improved employee retention

Remote work can also lead to improved employee retention. According to several studies, remote workers are 13% more likely to stay in their current job for the next five years compared to office-based workers. Remote work provides employees with the flexibility and autonomy they need to achieve their personal and professional goals, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and employee retention.

Drawbacks of Remote Work

Remote employee working at home office. Man sits at computer desk at sea resort window view.
Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction

The biggest drawback of remote work is the lack of face-to-face interaction. When employees work remotely, they don’t have the opportunity to interact with their colleagues in person, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. It can negatively impact mental health and productivity, as employees may feel disconnected from their team and the company as a whole.

Difficulty with Collaboration and Communication

Remote work can also make collaboration and communication more difficult. When employees work in the same physical space, they can easily communicate with each other and collaborate on projects in real-time. However, while working remotely, communication can be delayed, and collaboration can be more challenging, which can lead to miscommunication and delays in project completion.

Potential for Distractions

When in the office, employees have HRs on their heads to be productive, but in the case of working from home, employees lead to distractions that can negatively impact productivity. Employees may be tempted to do household chores, take care of children, or spend time on social media, which can distract them from their work,  leading to missed deadlines and lower-quality work.

Lack of Boundaries Between Work and Home Life

Remote work can also blur the boundaries between work and home life. When employees work from home, it can be challenging to separate their work and personal life, which can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. Additionally, without clear boundaries, employees may feel like they are working all the time, leading to increased stress and anxiety.

Potential for Technology Issues

Finally, remote work can also lead to technical issues that can negatively impact productivity. When employees work remotely, they rely heavily on technology to stay connected with their team and complete their work. However, technical issues such as poor internet connection, software glitches, or hardware malfunctions can cause significant delays and frustration.

Impact on Work-Life Balance

Remote work can have both positive and negative effects on work-life balance. On the one hand, it can provide more flexibility and control over work schedules, leading to less stress and burnout. At the same time, it can also lead to blurred boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout and a negative impact on mental health. Employees need to set clear boundaries between work and personal life to achieve a healthy work-life balance while working remotely. 

The list includes creating a designated workspace, setting specific work hours, and taking regular breaks throughout the day. It’s also important for employers to support their remote workers by providing resources and tools to help them manage their workload and maintain their mental health.

Overall, remote work has its benefits and drawbacks, and its impact on work-life balance can vary depending on the individual. While it can provide flexibility and cost savings, it can also lead to isolation and blurred boundaries between work and personal life.

10 Green-tech companies to watch out for the betterment of the environment

The world is currently facing a spectrum of environmental challenges, including climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. In response to these issues, many companies are now focusing on sustainability as a core part of their business strategy. Among these companies are several big tech firms leveraging their technological expertise and resources to create a more sustainable world. Here are the top 10 big tech companies that are leading the way in sustainability.


Google has prioritised sustainability in its operations and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. In 2020, Google announced that it had eliminated its entire carbon legacy, meaning it has offset all of its emissions since its founding in 1998. The company has also committed to carbon-free by 2030 and pledged to use only carbon-free energy by 2030. The company has also invested in renewable energy, intending to reach 100% by 2030. The company has implemented various sustainable practices, including reducing waste and promoting circular economy principles.


Sustainability is a core value at Microsoft, and the company has made significant efforts to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainable practices. In 2020, Microsoft announced its commitment to be carbon negative by 2030, meaning the company will remove more carbon from the atmosphere than it emits. Microsoft is also working to be water positive, meaning it will replenish more water than it consumes and has committed to zero waste goals. Additionally, Microsoft is investing in renewable energy and has pledged to use 100% renewable energy by 2025.


Dell has implemented various initiatives to reduce environmental impact by setting goals like achieving 100% renewable energy for their global electricity use by 2040 and using 100 million pounds of recycled content in their products by 2030. Dell also focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their operations and supply chain, promoting responsible recycling practices, and designing their products with sustainability in mind. They have also partnered with NGOs and other organisations to advance sustainability in their industry and promote social responsibility.


Sustainability is a key priority for Amazon, and the company has made significant progress in reducing its environmental impact. Amazon has set ambitious goals to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040 and to power its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025. The company is also working to reduce waste and improve the sustainability of its products and packaging. Amazon has launched several initiatives such as the Climate Pledge Fund, which invests in sustainable technologies and services, and the Sustainable Energy Program, which provides funding for renewable energy projects.


Apple is committed to sustainability across its operations, from its products to its supply chain and beyond. The company has set ambitious goals, such as achieving net-zero carbon emissions across its entire value chain by 2040 and using only recycled or renewable materials in its products. Apple also works closely with its suppliers to improve its environmental practices and reduce its carbon footprint. Additionally, Apple has implemented various energy-efficient measures, such as powering its data centres with 100% renewable energy.


Tesla has made sustainability a core part of its mission and business practices. The company’s primary objective is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by creating products that minimize the negative impact on the environment. Tesla’s electric vehicles are designed to be energy-efficient and emit zero emissions, reducing the carbon footprint of transportation. Moreover, Tesla’s solar products enable homeowners and businesses to generate electricity from renewable energy sources. Tesla also uses sustainable materials in their products, such as recycled materials in their battery cells and vegan leather in their car interiors.


IBM has a longstanding commitment to sustainability and has integrated it into its business strategy. The company has set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water resources, and minimize waste. IBM has also incorporated sustainability into their products and services, offering solutions that enable clients to reduce their environmental impact. IBM has also invested in renewable energy, with over 40% of its electricity coming from renewable sources. The company’s sustainability efforts have earned recognition from organisations such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the Carbon Disclosure Project.


HP is committed to sustainability and has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. One such initiative is the HP Sustainable Impact program, which aims to create a circular and low-carbon economy by designing products with recyclable materials, reducing waste and carbon emissions, and promoting responsible manufacturing practices. HP has also set ambitious goals, such as achieving 100% renewable electricity in their global operations by 2035 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from their global operations and supply chain by 60% by 2025.


Cisco is a company that recognises the importance of sustainability and has made significant efforts to reduce its environmental impact. They have set ambitious goals by 2025, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60% from their global operations and supply chain, achieving 100% renewable energy for their global electricity usage, and implementing circular economy principles in their product designs. The company also prioritise social responsibility, focusing on ethical business practices and working to bridge the digital divide through initiatives such as its Networking Academy program, which provides free IT training to underserved communities worldwide.


Intel recognises the importance of sustainability and has taken significant steps to reduce its environmental impact. They have set ambitious goals by 2030, including achieving net positive water use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60%, and achieving zero waste to landfill across their global manufacturing operations. Intel has also implemented sustainable product design practices, such as reducing the size of its packaging and using more energy-efficient technologies in its products.

The art of sustainable travel: Tips for planning and enjoying your next vacation responsibly

Travelling is a fantastic way to explore new places, meet new people, and broaden your horizons. However, it’s important to consider the impact that travel can have on the environment and local communities. As travellers, we have a responsibility to make sustainable choices that reduce our environmental footprint and support the local economy. Let’s have a look at the top-notch tips for planning and enjoying your next vacation responsibly.

Sustainable Accommodation

When you choose sustainable accommodation, you bring life to the environment. So, without a second thought, look for hotels, lodges, and resorts with sustainability certifications or initiatives in place, such as reducing water and energy usage, using eco-friendly cleaning products, and implementing recycling programs. You can also consider staying in eco-friendly accommodations like ecolodges or sustainable treehouses, which offer a unique and environmentally-friendly travel experience.

Public Transportation

Sounds uncomfortable, right? However, public transportation such as trains, buses, and bicycles to explore your destination is environmentally friendly and can also help you experience the local culture. What about flights? Well, choose airlines that prioritise sustainability and carbon counterbalance.

Pack light and bring reusable items

Packing light can reduce your carbon footprint by making your luggage lighter and reducing fuel consumption. Additionally, bringing reusable items like water bottles, shopping bags, and food containers can help reduce waste and the use of single-use plastics. You can also pack a reusable straw and utensils to avoid using disposable ones while on the go.

Eat and shop local

Supporting local businesses is a great way to give back to the communities you visit. Eating at local restaurants and buying souvenirs from local shops can help support the local economy and reduce the environmental impact of transportation and packaging. Additionally, try to eat locally-sourced food and drinks, which can reduce the carbon footprint of your meals.

Choose sustainable activities

When planning your itinerary, consider choosing sustainable activities with minimal environmental impact and supporting the local economy. You can go on a guided tour with a local guide or visit a sustainable farm or wildlife sanctuary. Also, try to participate in activities that promote environmental education and conservation, such as beach cleanups or wildlife rehabilitation programs.

Offset your carbon footprint

Offsetting your carbon footprint can help reduce the impact of your travel on the environment. Many airlines and travel companies offer carbon offset programs, which allow you to pay a fee to offset the carbon emissions generated by your travel. The fees are typically used to support renewable energy projects or reforestation initiatives.

Sustainable Packaging – Trends, Benefits, and Impact

Caution: Don’t judge a packaging by the materials it is made up of. You might have noticed the new-age packaging arrives with a foul smell, but we have to tolerate it as it is the only way to continue to support healthy globalisation and maintain the well-being and integrity of our planet. 

In recent years, sustainable packaging has become a critical aspect of today’s world, and this has led to a growing interest in sustainable packaging. Sustainable packaging refers to the use of packaging materials and methods that are eco-friendly, recyclable, and biodegradable. 

Renewable materials are those that can be replenished naturally and quickly, such as bamboo, paper, and cornstarch. These materials are biodegradable and can be composted, which reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Additionally, renewable materials are less energy-intensive to produce, which means they have a smaller carbon footprint.

Sustainable packaging seeks to minimise the environmental impact of packaging materials by reducing waste, conserving resources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The need to reduce environmental degradation and protect the planet has never been greater. Let’s look at the trends, benefits, and impacts of sustainable packaging.

Trends in Sustainable Packaging

  • Biodegradable Materials:

Biodegradable materials such as compostable plastics, biodegradable plastics, and plant-based materials are increasingly used in sustainable packaging. These materials include plant-based plastics, such as polylactic acid (PLA) and cellulose, and biodegradable films made from corn starch or potato starch, leaving no harmful residue behind. Biodegradable packaging is already widely used in the food industry, and its popularity is expected to grow in the coming times.

  • Recyclable Materials: 

Another trend in sustainable packaging is the focus on recycling. Nowadays, many companies use recycled materials to make their packaging, and many design their packaging to be easily recyclable. The packaging materials can be recycled and reused, reducing the amount of waste going into landfills. In addition, some companies are incorporating recyclable materials into their packaging, such as using recycled cardboard for boxes or glass for jars.

  • Minimalist Design: 

Minimalist design is a trend that focuses on reducing the amount of packaging used by keeping it as simple and minimal as possible without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics. Minimalist packaging uses fewer materials, which helps in reducing waste and lowers the environmental impact of production. The design approach in minimalist packaging considers the product’s size, shape, and weight and aims to reduce the amount of packaging needed while still protecting the product.

  • Multi-Use Packaging: 

Reusable packaging is a trend that is gaining popularity in the food and beverage industry. The type focuses on designing packaging that can be used for multiple purposes, which reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Reusable packaging can take many forms, from refillable water bottles to reusable food containers. Some companies are even experimenting with reusable packaging for shampoo and laundry detergent items.

  • Innovative packaging materials:

Innovation is the key to survival, and when it comes to packaging, scientists and researchers are working on developing new materials that are more sustainable than traditional packaging materials. For example, some companies are exploring the use of seaweed-based materials for food packaging, while others are looking at using mushroom-based materials for packaging.

Benefits of Sustainable Packaging

  • Reduced Waste: Sustainable packaging helps to reduce waste by using materials that are biodegradable, recyclable, or compostable.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Sustainable packaging helps to lower the carbon footprint by reducing the amount of energy required to manufacture and transport packaging materials.
  • Increased Brand Image: Sustainable packaging helps companies to create a positive brand image by showing their commitment to environmental protection.
  • Cost Savings: Sustainable packaging can help companies save money in the long run by reducing the amount of packaging needed and lowering transportation costs.

Impact of Sustainable Packaging

  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Sustainable packaging helps to reduce the environmental impact by reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills and the amount of energy required to manufacture and transport packaging materials.
  • Increased Consumer Awareness: Sustainable packaging has helped to raise consumer awareness of environmental issues and encourages them to make more sustainable choices.
  • Government Regulation: Governments around the world are taking steps to regulate packaging waste, and sustainable packaging is a critical part of this effort.
  • Market Growth: Sustainable packaging has opened up new market opportunities for companies that are committed to sustainability.

Spend Less, Hear More with OnePlus Nord Buds 2 (Review)

What makes me excited about OnePlus? Well, definitely their audio products. Over the last couple of years, the brand has been making records in the audio market and has become one of the most loved brands in the mid-range segment.

I’ve been fortunate enough to experience almost every audio product OnePlus has launched since 2022. Be it OnePlus Nord Buds, OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2, or OnePlus Buds Pro 2, almost every product from the brand has entertained my soul whenever I put them on-ear or in-ear. 

Within a short span, OnePlus has carved a niche for itself in the TWS segment and being a fanboy of the OnePlus Nord Buds, I was very excited when I got my hands on the OnePlus Nord Buds 2. Let’s get in the groove and see what the newbie in the house offers!


Lookwise, there are no significant changes in the design of the buds, but when it comes to the case, it’s tiny compared to the 1st gen Nord Buds and has a dotted dust-like texture on it. The brand must have avoided working on the design, as the main focus was what to update on the insides.

The pill-shaped matte-grey charging case will feel uncomfortable in a trouser pocket, but the price of the buds will suit most pockets. The touch controls on the stem, tap to play or pause music, double tap for the next track or answer/end calls, and triple tap for the previous track.


The 2nd gen Nord Buds arrives with many updates, especially in terms of sound delivery. The Nord Buds 2 effortlessly deliver on every feature it promises, unlike its predecessor – the Nord Buds, where calls can be glitchy, and distortion is common.

When it comes to sound output, the Nord Buds 2 offers a detailed sound where every vocal or instrumental element reaches its zenith. The 2nd gen buds are backed with a new BassWaveTM algorithm and a 12.4mm driver unit that dynamically enhances your sound for a balanced listening experience.

The buds offer deeper bass along with crisp and clear vocals, giving you that main character energy while listening to your favourite music. In terms of connectivity, they are easy to pair with OnePlus smartphones and iPhones as well.


The buds offer an Active Noise Cancellation feature with 25dB depth, but to have it under control, you must download the HeyMelody app. The listening experience they offer with noise cancellation is sharp; be it listening to music or making calls, everything comes to you without audio disturbances.

With the HeyMelody app, you can track the earphones’ battery levels and choose noise control modes – noise cancellation, off, or transparency, to enhance your audio experience. The app also allows you to elevate your audio experience further with four sound modes – Balanced, Bold, Serenade, and Bass.


The earbuds offer good battery life with active noise cancellation on, and offer you a service for slightly over seven hours on a single charge without putting them back in the case. Once you put them in the case for 15 minutes and they’ll get charged up to 60%, offering 2-3 hours of usage.


Overall, the Nord Buds 2 has been enjoyable. The earbuds worked well with various types of audio, and the noise-cancelling feature was quite outstanding. Nevertheless, for the price of Rs 2,999, the OnePlus Nord Buds 2 is a reasonable device to purchase, especially if you’re looking for affordable earbuds.

How Big is Autodesk?

Autodesk is a multinational software corporation that provides software for the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, media, and entertainment industries. The company was founded in 1982 by John Walker and 12 others to develop software for the emerging personal computer market. Over the years, Autodesk has become a household name in the design and manufacturing industry, transforming how people create, design, and build things.

The Early Years

In the early days, Autodesk’s primary focus was on developing computer-aided design (CAD) software. Its first product, AutoCAD, was launched in 1982 and quickly gained popularity among architects, engineers, and designers. AutoCAD was the first CAD software to run on a personal computer, and its intuitive interface and advanced functionality made it an instant success.

In 1986, Autodesk became a publicly traded company and continued to expand its product portfolio. It acquired a number of companies, including Micro Engineering Solutions, Softdesk, and Alias, which enabled it to diversify its product offerings and expand into new markets. By the mid-1990s, Autodesk had become the world’s leading provider of CAD software, with a market share of over 70%.

Innovation and Product Development

Innovation and product development were at the core of Autodesk’s early success. The company was always looking for ways to improve its software and provide new solutions for its customers. In 1992, Autodesk introduced AutoCAD LT, a lighter version of AutoCAD that was designed for 2D drafting. This product was a game-changer for small businesses and individuals who could not afford the full version of AutoCAD. Autodesk also developed a number of other innovative products, including AutoSketch, a 2D drawing program, and Mechanical Desktop, a 3D mechanical design program. The company’s commitment to innovation and product development enabled it to stay ahead of its competitors and maintain its position as a leader in the CAD software industry.

Sustainability at Autodesk

Sustainability is a core value for Autodesk, and the company has implemented numerous initiatives to minimise its environmental impact. Autodesk is committed to achieving carbon neutrality and has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 29% since 2009. The company encourages sustainable design practices through its software solutions and has developed tools that help architects, engineers, and designers create more environmentally friendly buildings and products. In addition, Autodesk’s offices are designed to be energy-efficient, and the company has implemented waste reduction and recycling programs. Autodesk also supports sustainability initiatives outside of the company through its philanthropic arm, the Autodesk Foundation, which funds projects that address social and environmental challenges.

Expansion and Innovation

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, Autodesk continued to expand its product portfolio and entered new markets. It acquired Discreet Logic, a company that specialised in 3D animation software and developed Maya, a powerful 3D animation software used by leading animation studios worldwide. In 2006, Autodesk made a significant move by acquiring Alias, a leading provider of 3D graphics software used in the automotive and aerospace industries.

Autodesk’s commitment to innovation and expansion continued in the following years. In 2010, it acquired BIM (Building Information Modeling) software provider Revit Technology Corporation, which allowed the company to provide comprehensive solutions for the construction industry. Autodesk also launched its cloud-based design software, Fusion 360, in 2012, which enabled users to access its design tools from anywhere and collaborate in real-time.

Autodesk Today

Today, Autodesk has a diverse portfolio of products that serve a wide range of industries. Its software solutions are used by architects, engineers, construction professionals, product designers, and media and entertainment professionals. Some of its most popular products include AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max, and Fusion 360. In recent years, Autodesk has also made a significant commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The company has set ambitious goals to reduce its carbon footprint and has developed software solutions that help its customers design sustainable buildings and infrastructure.

Today, Autodesk is a leading provider of software solutions and a driving force behind innovation in the design and manufacturing industry. Autodesk’s journey from a small software company to a multinational corporation is a testament to its commitment to innovation and expansion. Over the years, the company has developed a wide range of software solutions that have transformed the way people create, design, and build things. Its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility has also set an example for other companies to follow.

Role of Autodesk in various industries

Autodesk’s software tools are used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and manufacturing. For example, Autodesk’s software tools are used in the automotive industry to design cars and other vehicles. Engineers can use these tools to simulate the performance of a car’s engine, test different designs, and optimise the vehicle’s performance. Autodesk’s software tools are also used in the aerospace industry to design aircraft and spacecraft.

While in the construction industry, Autodesk’s software tools are used to design buildings, bridges, and other structures. Architects and engineers can use these tools to create 3D models of buildings, simulate the performance of different building materials, and test the structural integrity of a building. These tools also enable architects and engineers to collaborate more efficiently, reducing the time and cost of designing and constructing a building.


The valuation of Autodesk is primarily based on its revenue growth potential, market share, and the overall performance of the industry it operates in. As of March 2023, Autodesk’s market capitalisation is approximately $42+ billion, and its stock has been performing well due to the increased demand for its software solutions. The company’s continued investment in research and development, expansion into new markets, and strategic acquisitions will likely influence its valuation in the future.

The Digital Pitch – Exploring the Tech Behind the IPL

The Indian Premier League (IPL) is one of the most popular and lucrative cricket tournaments in the world. It is a T20 format league that features eight to ten franchise teams representing different cities in India. Since its inception in 2008, the IPL has become a global phenomenon, attracting top international players and millions of fans worldwide. Technology has played a crucial role in the success of the IPL, from broadcasting to player analysis to fan engagement. Let’s explore some of the technologies used in the IPL.

Hawk-Eye Technology

Hawk-Eye is a ball-tracking technology used in cricket that provides real-time visualisations of the trajectory and path of the ball. It is used in the IPL for umpiring decisions, particularly in cases of run-outs, stumpings, and LBWs (leg before wicket). The technology uses multiple high-speed cameras to capture the ball’s movement, and the data is then processed using complex algorithms to create a 3D image of the ball’s path. This technology has helped to reduce human error in umpiring decisions and ensure fair play.

Megaphone for Online Voting

The IPL broadcaster is taking the game to the next level with high-tech wizardry, bringing fans closer to the action than ever. And, with Megaphone’s online voting system, viewers can participate in the game from the comfort of their homes. Star Sports is revolutionising how we watch cricket by offering live and interactive experiences, allowing audiences to vote during matches while analysing expert opinions. It’s like having a front-row seat to the game and being part of the action!

LED Stumps and Bails

In 2018, the IPL introduced LED stumps and bails, which are equipped with sensors that light up when they are disturbed. This technology helps to determine whether the bails have been dislodged from the stumps, particularly in cases where the naked eye may not be able to detect it. This technology has helped to improve the accuracy of run-out decisions and enhance the viewing experience for fans.

Real-Time Analytics

The IPL uses real-time analytics to track player performance and provide insights to coaches and teams. This technology uses sensors to capture data on a player’s movements, such as their speed, distance covered, and heart rate. This information is then processed using machine learning algorithms to generate insights on player performance, such as their batting and bowling strengths and weaknesses. Real-time analytics have helped coaches and teams make data-driven decisions and improve player performance.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

The IPL has also leveraged virtual and augmented reality technologies to enhance the fan experience. Virtual reality (VR) allows fans to experience the game from the perspective of the players, while augmented reality (AR) overlays digital content onto real-world objects. The IPL has used AR to create interactive experiences for fans, such as virtual games and quizzes. The league has also used VR to create immersive experiences, such as 360-degree videos of matches and virtual tours of stadiums.

BTS Tech

The BTS tech venture, AKA Behind the Scenes tech venture, is the ultimate game-changer in the tech world. It’s a slam-dunk attempt to score big for the environment by promoting cloud production and cutting out clunky hardware holding us back. With the BTS tech venture on our team, we can break free from location dependence and go the distance. We’re talking about levelling up and reducing carbon emissions while powering up our resources to bring you top-notch content for IPL matches. Let’s give the BTS tech venture a high-five for being a real MVP!

Social Media

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have become an integral part of the IPL, with teams and players using them to engage with fans and build their brands. The IPL has also used social media to provide live updates on matches and share highlights and behind-the-scenes content. In 2020, the IPL also introduced a virtual cheering experience, where fans could cheer for their favourite teams and players using emojis and hashtags on social media.

Dolby Atmos

If you haven’t heard of Dolby Atmos, you’re missing out on some next-level audio technology! Developed by the audio geniuses at Dolby, Atmos takes your standard surround sound to the next level by interpreting sound in 3D. In short, you can experience up to 118 sound objects at once, which is insane! With Atmos, you can hear every detail of the game as if you were right there on the field.

Disney Star knows what’s up and wants to give you a real-life sports experience from the comfort of your own home. That’s why they’ve brought Dolby Atmos to their sports broadcasts. You can now watch your favourite matches in stunning Atmos sound, which means you can hear all the sounds of the game like never before. From the sound of the ball hitting the net to the roar of the crowd, Atmos puts you in the middle of the action.

So what are you waiting for? Grab the popcorn, sit back, and experience sports like never before with Dolby Atmos. Catch all the action on Star Sports1 HD and Star Sports1 Hindi HD from 31st March. It’s time to take your sports viewing to the next level!

Powerful Storytelling for a Greener Planet

When the pandemic hit the world, and we were forced to stay inside, the earth flourished like a heavenly flower. The worldwide lockdown reduced transport activities, resulting in less energy consumption and lower oil demand. Films and documentaries have always played an important role in shaping society as they are powerful tools for inspiring awareness, action, and change. As the world becomes more aware of the impact of human activity on the environment, films and documentaries that explore environmental issues have become insanely popular. With the new ways of filmmaking, we have access to some of the most thought-provoking and innovative ecological films and documentaries of all time. Here are ten of the best:

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet (2020)

“David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet” is a documentary film that chronicles the remarkable career of naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough and his lifelong passion for the natural world. The film traces Attenborough’s journey from his early days as a young adventurer to his role as a global advocate for the environment. The film also warns about the devastating impact of human activity on the planet and the urgent need to address the climate crisis. Attenborough’s message is one of hope, however, as he outlines a vision for a sustainable future that includes a shift towards renewable energy and a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world.

The Year Earth Changed (2021)

“The Year Earth Changed” is a nature documentary that explores the dramatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the environment. The documentary was filmed in 2020, during the global lockdown, the documentary reveals how the sudden absence of human activity has given nature an opportunity to flourish. From deserted city streets to empty beaches, we witness the return of wildlife to once-busy urban areas, the revitalisation of polluted rivers, and the resurgence of marine life in oceans. Through stunning footage captured by drones and cameras, the documentary offers a hopeful message about the resiliency of nature and the potential for positive change if we rethink our relationship with the planet.

The Story of Plastic (2020)

“The Story of Plastic” explores the impact of plastic on the environment, from its production to its disposal. The documentary delves into the global plastic pollution crisis and explores the origins of plastic and its production, as well as the environmental and social impacts caused by plastic waste. The documentary features interviews with activists, scientists, and individuals affected by plastic pollution, highlighting the urgency for systemic change to address the plastic pollution problem. The Story of Plastic aims to raise awareness and inspire individuals and communities to act towards a more sustainable future.

Kiss the Ground (2020)

“Kiss the Ground” is a 2020 documentary film that explores the potential of regenerative agriculture to combat climate change and restore the Earth’s ecosystems. The film takes the viewer through various landscapes worldwide, showcasing real-world examples of regenerative farming practices that have succeeded in improving soil health, increasing biodiversity, and sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. Overall, “Kiss the Ground” offers a hopeful message about the power of individuals and communities to heal the Earth and create a more sustainable future.

2040 (2019)

“2040” is a documentary film directed by Damon Gameau that explores possible solutions to climate change and environmental issues in 2040. Gameau presents a hopeful vision of the future by showcasing innovative technologies and initiatives that could positively impact the planet, such as renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, and sustainable urban design. The film also emphasises the importance of community engagement and individual action in creating a better future, along with encouraging viewers to take action and be part of the solution to climate change.

Seaspiracy (2021)

The documentary, directed by Ali Tabrizi, explores the impact of commercial fishing on marine life and the environment. The film follows Tabrizi as he travels the world interviewing scientists, activists, and fishermen about the fishing industry and its practices. The documentary highlights the devastating effects of overfishing, plastic pollution, and bycatch, as well as the industry’s corruption and lack of regulation.

My Octopus Teacher (2020)

My Octopus Teacher is a documentary film that tells the story of filmmaker Craig Foster’s relationship with an octopus in a kelp forest off the coast of South Africa. After feeling burnt out from his career, Foster starts freediving in the kelp forest and encounters an octopus. He becomes fascinated by the creature’s intelligence and develops a deep connection with her over a year. Through stunning underwater footage and Foster’s narration, the film explores themes of connection, wonder, and the relationship between humans and nature. The documentary won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2021.

Chasing Coral (2017)

Chasing Coral is a documentary film directed by Jeff Orlowski that explores the devastating effects of climate change on coral reefs worldwide. The film follows a team of scientists, divers, and photographers documenting the rapid decline of coral reefs due to rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidification. The film shows the bleaching and death of coral reefs in real time through stunning underwater footage and time-lapse photography. The documentary highlights the urgency of addressing climate change and protecting these vital ecosystems. Chasing Coral won the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017.

The Ivory Game (2016)

“The Ivory Game” is a documentary that explores the illicit ivory trade, which has decimated the elephant population in Africa and fueled organised crime and terrorism. The film follows undercover investigators and activists as they work to expose the complex web of corruption and criminal activity behind the ivory trade, from African poachers to Chinese buyers. It sheds light on the devastating consequences of this trade on the elephants and the communities that rely on them while also highlighting the urgent need for action to save these magnificent animals from extinction.

Fantastic Fungi (2019)

“Fantastic Fungi” is a documentary that explores the fascinating world of mushrooms and their incredible potential to heal, sustain, and regenerate life on Earth. The film takes viewers on a journey through the underground network of mycelium, the vast and intricate web of life that supports the growth and reproduction of fungi. From the ancient traditions of using mushrooms for medicine and spiritual enlightenment to the cutting-edge research being done today on their potential to solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental and social issues, “Fantastic Fungi” is a celebration of the incredible power of nature and the beauty and wonder of the fungal kingdom.


Sea of Shadows (2019)

“Sea of Shadows” is a 2019 documentary film that follows a group of activists, journalists, and scientists as they try to save the endangered vaquita porpoise, which is on the brink of extinction due to illegal fishing practices in the Sea of Cortez. The film focuses on the efforts of a small team of scientists and conservationists who risk their lives to track down and remove illegal fishing nets, known as totoaba nets, which are used to catch a rare fish called the totoaba, whose swim bladder is highly prized in Chinese medicine. The totoaba nets are responsible for trapping and killing vaquita porpoises, often caught in the nets and drowned. As the team races against time to save the vaquita, they confront corrupt officials, dangerous criminal syndicates, and the powerful forces of greed and indifference that threaten to drive the vaquita to extinction.

Smart Homes, Smart Women

Being an only child (no more a child) and that too male, I know what a day looks like in a life of a woman. They wake up before the sun and work like a machine, even on the days when they’re sick and don’t have the energy to move. Back in the 20th century, every woman was living with the thought that she was superwoman and men, they were sympathetic and masters in the art of how to avoid household chores by saying, we only get one day to sleep peacefully.

Today, the superwoman generation is getting old, and the young generation believes in equality and knows how to stay ahead of the curve. With the arrival of modern technology, the world has changed for the good, and we have lots of options to make our lives better. Learning technology has become easy, thanks to the internet. So, let’s not waste time and take a look at the top eight smart home appliances that I believe can make any woman’s life easier.

Smart Lighting 

Smart home lighting system controller

What’s the second most asked question by a woman when she’s away from home? “Have you turned off the lights?”, “Did you eat?” still stands the first. Women care a lot about bills, and men always forget to turn the lights off. Installing a smart lighting setup at home allows us to turn the lights on and off using our phone or voice control. We can also dim the lights as per our needs or change their colour to suit our mood. Get it now to save you a** from a bill-concerned WOMAN!

Smart Locks 

Smart speaker for house control innovative technology

Tell me you only have one lock at home, and I will take you out for dinner (and text your address to a burglar). Jokes apart, honestly, we all have at least two locks in our homes – a sturdy lock to secure a front door and another one for the main door, along with a side shutter lock. It looks like another task for someone who leaves and gets back to the house frequently. 

Instead of a regular lock, get a smart lock, which adds a layer of security to your home. With a smart lock, you can unlock your door using your phone or a code without worrying about carrying a physical key. Women are natural overthinkers, and smart locks are best for them as they arrive with remote locking and unlocking feature, which is very useful when you are away from home.

Smart Doorbells


Have you ever rung a bell and run away? Yeah, we all did and still do, sometimes. However, it would be best if you were careful about the act, as most houses today have smart doorbells that offer an added layer of security to the home. They come with a camera that allows the house owner to see who is at the door, even when they’re away from home. The innovation is best for women who stay at home mostly, as they offer two-way communication through the phone.

Smart Vacuum Cleaners

Women have an over-riding urge to do chores that men do not, especially keeping the house as tidy and clean as possible. Smart vacuum cleaners offer the convenience of cleaning your home without any effort. With a smart vacuum cleaner, you can schedule cleaning times, set up no-go zones, and even control it using your voice. Invest a little more and get a smart vacuum cleaner with a camera to see where it is cleaning.

Smart Refrigerators

After wardrobes, the next crowded thing in the house is refrigerators, where we keep things and forget them quite often. With smart refrigerators, we can simplify our daily routine. Some smart refrigerators come with cameras that allow us to see what is inside without opening them, really helpful when you are at the grocery store and want to know what you need to buy.

Smart Ovens

What does a smart oven offer? A lot more than you think, including a bit of extra time to shoot a GRWM reel. The smart oven lets you toast, bake, bagel, roast, slow cook, and control to operate using your phone or voice control. The feature can be useful when preparing a meal and adjusting the temperature or cooking time.

Smart Air Purifier

A smart air purifier is a must-have appliance for any woman who values clean air in her home. With a smart air purifier, you can have full control, receive alerts when the filter needs to be changed, and even customise the settings based on the air quality in your home. This has been incredibly helpful, especially during allergy season.

Smart Coffee Maker

A smart coffee maker is a must-have appliance for any woman who loves coffee. With a smart coffee maker, you can schedule when it should brew, control it with your voice, and customise the settings for different types of coffee. It can make your mornings much more convenient, and you can wake up to a fresh cup of coffee without having to do it all yourself.

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