Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved?
The quality of the content has changed a lot! InflueMehak Ghai (Beauty Influencer)ncers think 10 times before they post a picture on social media. The edit on the picture needs to be perfect, the caption needs to be appropriate to the picture and the feed should be on point.
Ex: Can you give us an insight into social media platforms that only an Influencer can know?
It looks like a really easy and fun job to be an influencer. It is a lot of funnn but you don’t know and cannot even imagine the kind of effort you need to put in while creating content. There’s just so much competition now, you have to constantly brainstorm about how to standout!
Ex: What would be your calling in a parallel universe? (Alternate career options) If you were stranded on an island, what are the 3 gadgets you’d take along?
I always wanted to be an actor and I am an actor now, so I guess I’d just be doing that full time!
3 gadgets – Mobile, Camera, Speakers
Ex: A technology you wished you’d invented?
A feature or an app that can read your mind & can write what you think in seconds! That would be such a savior!
Ex: What’s been your favorite encounter with a fan so far? (DMs included!)
It is always sooooo good to meet people who follow my work! But my favorite has to be when at my first meet and greet, I met a girl and she cried hugging me and told me how much I inspire her. I’ll never forget her.♥️
Ex: Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter. How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium?
I feel you just gotta be really careful with what you’re putting up and selling your audience. Honestly, I have been really lucky with the audience on my profile, they have been really loving and encouraging. Of course, there’ll always be one or two people who would spread hate but they’re negligible in a crowd of people that love you!
Ex: Social media trolling is seeing an upward rise. Do you think this only increases with the popularity of an Influencer? How does one tackle this situation?
They’re always going to people who will try to bring you down, no matter how good you’re doing. PLEASE, and I cannot stress on this enough, DO NOT let it get to you! Maybe 10% percent people are hating on you but the other 90% love you and appreciate you for inspiring them everyday! Do not get demotivated, you’re doing amazing!
Ex: What does success mean to you?
If you’re happy as a person and proud of your accomplishments, you’re successful!
Ex: Do you think Influencer Marketing is a fad? Where do you see this space in years to come?
A lot of people think that Influencer Marketing is only a trend and it’ll fade away after a point of time. Well, I have been in this market for over 5 years now and I’ve only seen it grow. This space will only grow bigger in years to come!
Ex: When was the first time you bought your dream makeup product and which one was it?
I was really excited about Huda beauty products before they were made available in India. So I went on a crazy shopping spree in Dubai and bought a lot of Huda Beauty makeup products from Sephora.
Ex: What would you tell young girls when it comes to ideals of beauty that our society has set up?
You do you, girl. Please don’t care about what others have to tell you about your fashion sense. You’re the only one who can define your style. You’re beautiful just the way you are, so keep it going!
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